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Residential and Commercial Landscape Maintenance

Quality Landscape Maintenance Services for

Residential, Commercial and HOA Properties

West Bay Landscapes understands that your property is as unique as you are. Our desire is to develop a professional relationship with you and maintain your property in a way that meets your specific needs and desires.

Whether we are beginning maintenance of one of our newly installed landscapes, or providing service to a mature property, our dedicated Maintenance Account Manager can design a horticultural program to fit your needs.

Your Account Manager will communicate with you on an ongoing basis, oversee your service team, assess the health of your landscape throughout the year, and coordinate any services that may need to be modified.

At our mature sites, and for our new customers, our maintenance goals are to increase the usefulness and attractiveness of our properties year after year, rather than to allow them to decline with age. A landscape is an ever-changing part of your daily life, and we feel that it should be a bright spot in your day rather than a burden.

Call us today to schedule a complimentary visit to your property!